Sunday, February 10, 2008

Blogging, Act II

Two years ago I started my first blog. It was an interesting exercise wherein I blogged aimlessly about whatever happened to cross my mind. That blog died. Actually it was murdered. In a fit of annoyance with my real life I deleted that poor defenseless blog without warning. I've been blog free for a year now but I've found myself creatively stifled. Outlets, I've come to realize, are necessary evils.

Which brings me to this blog. This new blog is going to be different. Where my first blog was aimless, this blog is going to have a specific purpose. Here will be nattering on television, film, books, and pop culture in general. These are the things I love and the things I hope to make a career out of loving. With college graduation looming in a not-so-distant future it's time for me to start you know, writing.

So, who am I? Student. Lover of stories. Lost aficionado. Everything else will come in time.

Oh my God, I'm back in the blogosphere.

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