Monday, February 11, 2008

Brothers and Sisters, "The Missionary Imposition"

Brothers and Sisters is one of those shows you don’t quite realize you miss until you watch it after a long absence. I was pleasantly surprised to see a new episode this week, and even happier when it turned out so awesome. B&S has been a little maudlin this season what with the president drama, Justin’s relapse, and the marital woes of Tommy and Sarah. A lot of time has been devoted to the bad decisions these character’s make. Which is all very dramatic, but seriously make good choices Walkers.

Last night they did. From Nora’s budding relationship with Danny Glover (no I can’t remember his character’s name, but come on he’s Danny Freakin Glover) to Tommy not being a tool to my favorite, Kevin committing to Scotty. Okay so all of these good choices are going to be undone by next week, but for a moment let’s pretend they’ll stick.

My favorite storyline of the night was a tie between Nora/Danny Glover and the Kevin triangle. Let’s start with Nora, shall we? Every time I watch this show I’m struck by just how good Sally Field is. I loved the scene where she’s babbling on about her kids and Danny Glover busts out that gravelly voice of his all, “I asked how you were, not your kids.” Dude. Then he blows of a presidential campaign for her. That’s love man.

Then there was Scotty/Kevin/Hot Priest. I love Kevin and I feel his pain, it can’t be easy having to sort out your feelings for two guys as cool as Scotty and Hot Priest, but man was I ever glad to see him facing the situation. For the record, I want him to stand by his decision to stay with the adorable, crustacean bringing Scotty but I’ve got a sneaking suspicion he’ll be transgressing with Hot Priest soon enough. Oh Kevin, you’ve grown so much since this show started, but I fear you’re still a commitmentphobe at heart.

Then there was the Tommy/Lena/Julia/Justin/Rebecca mess that thankfully was resolved. Is it evil that I secretly hope they’ll kill Tommy off in time for sweeps? Come on think of the drama that would create for the family and I care about Tommy just enough to be invested in the aftermath, but not so much I would devastated by his death ala Charlie from Lost (Damn you Damon and Carlton). It’s a win-win.

The best part of that mess was Justin coming to his senses and jettisoning Lena (Repeat after me Brother’s don’t sleep with other Brother’s mistresses). I couldn’t help but think Lena would have been much more interesting had she been played by Maggie Grace. That aside it was nice to see Tommy and Justin, as well as Justin and Rebecca, make up. Although I wish Justin and Rebecca could tone down their incestuous chemistry ( they’re starting to rival the Petrelli brother’s in the inappropriate chemistry department), either that or the show needs to de-Walkerfy Rebecca.

Finally there was Sarah and Steven Weber looking relieved to be on a show that doesn’t suck. I love Sarah, after Nora she’s my second favorite. I loved the flower scene. Sarah might as well give in, it’s kind of hard to resist Weber.

Next week: Karaoke! Drunken Walker’s! We got ourselves a party.

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