Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Things That Are Cool

1. The trailer for the Lee Pace film "The Fall". It looks gorgeous and it's playing with my favorite genre: the fairy tale as nightmare. I just read one review that likened it to "The Lady in the Water" and I may be the only person on the planet who would take that as a ringing endorsement. You think less of me now, don't you?

2. TV friendships. Booth/Bones, Bones/Angela, Donna/The Doctor, Leonard/Sheldon, Barney/Robin, Betty/Daniel, Sawyer/Hurley. I kind of want to squish them all.

3. Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman. For some reason I waited ages to read this book, now I can't put it down.

4. Daniel Faraday. The Lost gods may have taken away my sweet Charlie, but they gave me an adorable bumbling, time-travelling physicist to help the healing process along. And it's totally working.

5. Corner Gas. It's Canadian and completely charming and the only reason to watch WGN unless you happen to like watching grown men run around a diamond. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a staycation to get back to.

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